(International Road Information System - Auto Pilot System
IRIS APS is a groundbreaking technology providing to the vehicle & driver complete and precise indication of upcoming events & hazards along the road
Simple is better! The basic idea is
Are we painting the lanes line? – Yeah
Are we going to stop painting it? – Nope
So let's print on the lanes' lines the entire road story, including all the road information
Unique code & language has been developed to enable reading the information in any speed and any conditions. (Tested over 50 m/sec)
Sensors & scanners installed on the vehicle transmit in real-time all the information into the APS computer
The APS computer will know in advance what's coming up
The driving decisions will be taken by the APS computer
No more mistakes, No more misunderstandings
Some points to think about:
While driving, you have 4 options only. Go faster, go slower or stop, stirring left or right. That's it
The time takes you to make the decision what to do and when, it's the problem
In a speed of 100 km/h (27.7 m/sec) the IRIS-APS system reads more than 20 IRIS code-blocks per second. Each side of the car
IRIS-APS system response time is less than 0.01Sec = 27.7 Cm
Your response time is more than 2 sec = 55.4 m